EVS Keeping It Clean
In the ever-critical realm of health care, the Environmental Services (EVS) workforce plays a vital role in maintaining infection prevention and control (IPC). This resource is designed for several key groups within the health care ecosystem. First, it targets frontline health care environmental services staff—technicians responsible for cleaning and disinfecting health care settings, along with their supervisors. These individuals are on the front lines of keeping health care environments safe and sanitary. Additionally, EVS managers and directors, who oversee these operations, are a crucial audience, as they directly influence the effectiveness of their teams. Finally, infection preventionists, who work closely with EVS departments, are key collaborators in ensuring optimal IPC outcomes.
By highlighting specific topic areas like waste management, linens and textiles, and environmental sanitation, these videos will shed light on how competency-driven practices can elevate the quality of EVS operations. With a focus on awareness and education, these videos strive to bridge the gap between knowledge and action, encouraging a stronger commitment to training and quality improvement among health care staff.
Environmental Services -- Keeping It Clean
Episode 3 - Collaboration between Environmental Services (EVS) and Infection Preventionists: Tackling infection prevention and control together
Episode 4: Aiming for the top: Building
quality commitment through
devotion to competency-based practice
Episode 5: EVS retention & growth: The role of competency-driven
training and performance
Episode 1: Why EVS is the first line of defense in infection prevention and control
Episode 2: How to Use the Cleaning &
Disinfecting Matrices