AHE CHEST Justification Tool Kit

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Justification tools are now available to help you attend
the CHEST training and certification program.


AHE recently launched our Certified Healthcare Environmental Services Technician (CHEST) training and certification program, which sets national standards specifically for environmental services technicians working in health care. The program can be included as a key part of your multi-pronged strategy to prevent HAIs and improve patient satisfaction scores related to cleanliness.

Included in the CHEST justification tool kit:




SBAR Worksheet. We’ve drafted an SBAR (situation, background, assessment, recommendations) worksheet to help you secure funding to certify yourself and your frontline environmental services technicians through AHE’s CHEST training and certification program. Feel free to customize to meet your personal argument.


CHEST training and certification sell sheet. Share this printable sell sheet with your healthcare administrator, infection prevention manager, contracting agent, or other superior to supplement your request to certify your health care environmental services team with organizational funding.

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