
Healthcare is a distinctly high-touch, labor-intensive enterprise, and its success depends substantially on workers at the frontlines of care: those who among other things work 24/7 to remove hazardous waste and mop up messes, sterilize surfaces, change bed sheets, and turn over rooms.

Customizable CHEST Justification Tool Kit Coming Soon!



  1. Increases facility expertise and domain knowledge in environmental services standards, infection prevention processes, and cleaning techniques and best practices
  2. Establish and expand the in-house resource for environmental services best practices and processes
  3. Fulfill individual employee's development and educational goals
  4. Give frontline environmental services professionals the knowledge and skills they need to achieve personal and professional success
  5. Assume the reputation of a facility with a well-trained, skilled, entry-level workforce
  6. Save money on training costs
  7. Increase the probability of employee retention
  8. Have better functioning patient care teams
  9. Expanded pipelines for filling positions
  10. Improved morale

Program development made possible through a restricted educational grant from