AHE CHEST Master Trainer Bio Miller





Kim Miller, Director of Environmental Services,
UW Medicine, Valley Medical Center

Director of Environmental Services Kim Miller has implemented countless work flow improvements, process improvement projects and equipment upgrades which have resulted in dramatically improved performance results for her department. Her team has generated an increase in the department’s H-CAHPS score from near the bottom to consistently hitting the 90th percentile and at the top of the UW Medicine system.

Kim began her career in healthcare services in Facilities and Engineering at Valley Medical Center in 2004. Her thorough knowledge of facilities, diligence in understanding problems and enlisting a team approach to help solve issues, have contributed to her success in Environmental Services, which she began leading just as the Ebola crisis erupted nationwide.

When she is not working (which she is known to do at all hours!), Kim likes to camp with family and friends, ride Harleys and spend time with her seven grandchildren.