Finance & Budgeting

Benjamin Kenyon will re-present his highly-rated presentation from Exchange23 on the topic of significant staffing challenges and increased workload EVS departments experience.
Algebra is a foundational skill that most EVS leaders will find themselves needing to utilize multiple times throughout their career. The CHESP certification exam requires knowledge of algebraic equation solving, and this webinar provides a quick refresher for those preparing to take the exam.
Making budget reduction decisions is inevitable. Utilize other strategies to ensure a reduction in force is a last resort.
AHE’s all-new, updated Staffing Methodologies Course and Calculator Bundle provides a deeper dive into the components needed for appropriate EVS staffing. Attend this webinar to hear how to use the Staffing Calculator as a tool to reach appropriate department staffing levels.
This webinar will examine opportunities for overcoming budget cuts by standardizing spending, containing costs, or creating savings options for supplies, labor, operations, equipment, present value/future value, technology, chemicals, and leveraging partnerships with vendors and suppliers.
From improved scrub availability, to reduced costs, to enhanced infection prevention, Carroll Hospital has experienced tremendous positive results since deploying the Cintas Scrub Rental Program.
Join us for this riveting session as we delve into the financial world of today’s environmental services leader.
We asked Terri Nelson, RN, MA, value analysis manager with Mayo Clinic, a few questions about selecting the best health care textile products.
A look at a couple of the most pressing problems confronting our profession in the immediate and the near future.